The average house price on MACKINTOSH CLOSE is £144,300
The most expensive house in the street is 15 MACKINTOSH CLOSE with an estimated value of £286,144
The cheapest house in the street is 11 MACKINTOSH CLOSE with an estimated value of £73,973
The house which was most recently sold was 15 MACKINTOSH CLOSE, this sold on 25 Nov 2020 for £245,000
The postcode for MACKINTOSH CLOSE is IP3 8GQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 100 m2 £151,352 £122,500 28 Nov 2019
5 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 37 m2 £131,808 £72,500 21 Aug 2009
9 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 36 m2 £88,139 £48,000 27 Jul 2009
11 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 37 m2 £73,973 £45,750 11 Dec 2013
13 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 102 m2 £134,389 £72,500 30 Jun 2009
15 MACKINTOSH CLOSE Terraced , 104 m2 £286,144 £245,000 25 Nov 2020